Toshiba TEC Thermal Transfer Ribbons - B and SX Wide Format Printers
There are a wide selection of ribbons available from Toshiba for the B-672, B-872, B-682, B-882, B-SX6T and B-SX8T ranges of wide format printers. Both black and colour ribbons are available. The black ribbons options include: smearless wax resin quality and scratch / solvent-resistant resin, while the coloured ribbon options are available in either wax resin quality or resin only quality.
The ribbons listed below are available in a variety of widths and are the recommended choice for use with these printers by Toshiba.
Toshiba B-SX6T Printer
Toshiba B-SX8T Printer
Toshiba B-682 Printer
Toshiba B-882 Printer
Key Features
- Black and colour options
- Variety of width sizes available
- Recommended by Toshiba
- Suitable for a range of printers

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