Cipherlab 201 Programmable Terminal
The 201 Programmable Terminal from Cipherlab is a versatile and low cost terminal, ideal for use in production monitoring and price checking applications. The 201 has a LCD dot matrix display, 2 x 20 characters with backlight and adjustable viewing angle. The terminal has 32KB SRAM with back-up, and has 2 reader ports for barcode wand, laser-emulation scanners or up to dual-track magnetic card reader. The unit has 3 serial communication ports, depending on ports, it can be configured as RS232, CMOS RS232, or RS485.
Key Features
- 3 COM Ports to support RS232, RS485, Digital
- I/O, CMOS RS232, Keyboard Wedge Interfaces
- Supports Wand, CCD, Laser and Mag Stripe
- Calendar with battery back-up
- 128KB Memory

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